SAKURA color
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◎Tシャツ 販売期間 : 4月1日19:00〜4月30日23:59
◎OXford シャツ 販売期間 : 4月1日19:00〜5月31日23:59

TANUKI STUDIO™️のオリジナルワッペンを付けたユニセックス サイズのTシャツ。男女で着用可能な通常のサイズ感のTシャツです。
Unisex size T-shirt with original TANUKI STUDIO™️ badge. This T-shirt is a normal size T-shirt that can be worn by both men and women.
The 210g fabric is firm and made of combed yarn, a material that is smooth to the touch and has an elegant luster.
The neck area has an octopus binder to prevent stretching for longer wear, and "shrink-proofing" (washing in cold water and tumble-drying) is added at the fabric stage to reduce shrinkage in the wash.
The fabric is firm and thick and can be worn all year round.
TANUKI STUDIO™️のオリジナルワッペンを付けたしっかりと厚みのあるオックスフォード生地を使用した日本製のシャツになります。
This shirt is made in Japan using firm and thick oxford fabric with an original TANUKI STUDIO™️ patch.
It has a standard shape and can be worn by both women and men.
The collar is button-down and matches both casual and elegant styles.